Family House Štěpánovice
In terms of the structure and layout, a very simple single-family house built with structural wooden panels. These structural panels consist of wooden planks screwed together to one unit in layers of 3. The house is under construction and it will be ready to move into in about a month. The layout of the house is, upon agreement with the investor, intentionally extremely simple. The investor understood well that to invest 20,000 CZK per m2 of usable areas in corridors, it is better to invest these funds in a living space. Therefore, the living room is a kind of lived-in hall, accessible directly from almost all the remaining spaces. Owing to the functional and layout simplicity it was possible to choose the most economically efficient bearing structure. Wall structural panels undoubtedly present an interesting option for wooden structure housing. The investor selected a system making the planks visible directly in the interior. It concerns a pronounced design element. We just hope that going into the future the panel supplier will be more flexible when it comes to product complaints due to bearing structure defects. |