Profizoo s.r.o. Logistic Premises
The brand new premises for Profizoo posed a great challenge since, once again, it concerned a solution to extremely complicated communication relations. The client is a company selling and manufacturing zoological aids for various animals. The premises accommodate both administrative staff and warehouse and shipping staff. For various reasons it is sometimes important to ensure communication between the individuals and for other reasons it is necessary to ensure separation of the individual operations. Thus the most crucial task was to design the layout of the individual section to fit a very narrow plot. The premises consist of an administrative part, partially two-storey storage part, garages, receiving and shipping. The individual sections are embraced from the material point of view and, simultaneously, they are connected via their design. In terms of structure, there is a combination of walled structures and steel structures. The steel structures are used primarily to erect the storage halls; walled structures are used in the areas with mostly administrative operations. The administrative section concerns a four-storey building with an embedded flat unit and pick-up point for purchased goods. Mr Martin Naděje, our long-time friend, investor’s brother and "manager of everything", has played an important role in the cooperation. |